Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rainbow and a Recipe

I hate the rain...all I want to do is stay inside and sleep. Unfortunately I didn't get to do that today. I was a good girl and went to church. (I really wanted to take a nap!) And, of course, I was glad I chose church! I love my church! Awesome people, awesome pastor, awesome each week! (Granted there is not much to choose from in the guy department, but thats not what church is for, right? ;) )

I was reminded of a picture I took week before last...

You can barely see it....just to the left of the green light...its a rainbow. You see in everything that is nasty and ugly, there is always God's rainbow. His smile that tells you that everything is going to be alright! While this isnt a good picture of it, the rainbow was beautiful and full! I couldn't help but smile back!

Now for a recipe....

Bruschetta Chicken Pasta

2 Chicken Breast
1 small tomato, cut into small pieces, seeds removed
2-3 tablespoons of pre-made bruschetta
1 Clove Garlic
Angel Hair Pasta
McCormick's Tomato Basil Garlic Seasoning

Cut chicken breast into small strips. (I also like to tenderize mine!) Sprinkle on the McCormicks Tomato Basil Garlic Seasoning. Just enough to your liking. In the meantime, slice your clove of garlic and let it sautee in some E.V.O.O. Throw your chicken in and let it sautee. Remove from heat once cooked thru and set to the side. Also, boil your pasta till cooked. Next pour a little more E.V.O.O. back in your pan, add your cut tomato and 2 tablespoons of bruschetta. Let this simmer until it cooks down and become a little "saucy." Then plate: pasta, tomato/bruschetta sauce, and chicken. I also added some shave Parmesean cheese. Very lite, very yummy! This is a take off of Carrabas dish called: Tagliarini Picchi Pacchiu. This made a double serving for my tiny tummy but is probably about the size of a single serving for most people! So increase your ingredients as you see fit!

Here is the one I made tonight:


About Me

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I am a 28 year old who loves life. I've lived thru a lot of heartache but choose everyday to look on the bright side and praise God for all of the things He has given me! I am living on my own and enjoying the experience of being a homeowner! And I cannot forget the 2 pups who keep me quite entertained, Hershey the Cocker Spaniel and Chloe the Shih Tzu.
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Don't let her sweet face fool you!


All boy and loves the ladies!


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream