Monday, October 26, 2009

Cats, and Ghosts, and Pumpkins...OH MY!!! Estrogen Weekend (Not my title but Shane's) and a few other randoms!

Let's start with Estrogen weekend....
Mom, Shane, and I left out last Friday evening and headed to the great city of Cloudland, GA to my aunts house. We actually met her in Summerville and had dinner and then headed up the mountain to her house.
Saturday we woke up and were out the door by 8 am. We headed over to Ringgold to pick up Camie, my cousin, and head to KY to my other cousin's (Camie's son Madison) game. Shane and I curled up in the backseat of the suburban and were fast asleep in no time. What we didn't realize is that we slept the entire 3 hour trip to KY!!! Mom woke us up at 11:45am as we pulled into the McDonald's for lunch.
It was a good game. Bad ref's...who called really bad plays. We won't mention the fact that I YELLED out that one call was "BS" as the crowd fell silent. Did I mention this is a Baptist school? Yeah, good one Mel! But, it was a good game and UC did win 44 - 14. It was bitterly cold and the rainy mist did not help. But I was prepared and had about 5 layers on! Oh and who ever invented ear muffs needs a special place in heaven! They are the best things ever!
After the game, Madison and Hannah (Mad's girlfriend) jumped in the car with us and we headed to dinner. After dinner we all went back to Mad's dorm room. I had forgotten how small dorm's really are....and 3 boys are supposed to live in this one. (But it's only Mad and PJ) After saying goodbye we headed back to Ringgold and then up to the mountain.
Sunday we slept late, sat around, ate BBQ, and finally we headed home. It was a really long weekend of on the go and riding in a car but oh so much fun! I always love our football madness weekends! Except this year we had 2 weekends to do! I guess I should mention that Shane dubbed this weekend "Estrogen Weekend" since it was 4 women and him for the most part. He was very happy once Madison joined in!
Well this week is Halloween...and I am excited! I don't know if it is just a sugar high or just the fun and excitement of the holiday itself. Monday, I baked a pizza for dinner and made sugar cookies shaped like ghosts, cats, and pumpkins. Boyfriend just rolls his eyes....
Tuesday and today have been crazy busy at work. We are having a Fall Festival for the building...which I am on the event committee. And then our department is having a Halloween themed open house...of which I and one other person have planned and executed. Yes, I know I take on to much, but after next week all we have left for the year is our Holiday dinner sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I get told on about a weekly basis that I am in the wrong profession and/or missed my true calling. I am somewhat starting to believe that! I will definitely take pictures tomorrow of our Monster Mash and post them!
Saturday is Halloween and the UGA/UF game! Shane will be in that ought to be interesting! But fun at the same time! And of course we will be carving pumpkins!!!! Chloe has her costume ready to go!


About Me

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I am a 28 year old who loves life. I've lived thru a lot of heartache but choose everyday to look on the bright side and praise God for all of the things He has given me! I am living on my own and enjoying the experience of being a homeowner! And I cannot forget the 2 pups who keep me quite entertained, Hershey the Cocker Spaniel and Chloe the Shih Tzu.
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Don't let her sweet face fool you!


All boy and loves the ladies!


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream