Monday, July 20, 2009

Stone Mountain

Friday night Shane came up to spend the weekend. We had decided that we were going to spend all day Saturday at Stone Mountain. We both have been to the mountain several times but Shane has never been to the top. (It has been quite some time...since high school...since I have been!) I am definitely the planner in our relationship! HA! I had it all worked out where it would be a super fun and relatively cheap date! In my mind, we were going to get up, grab something to eat on the way out there, hike the mountain (cause it is free), pitter around and find a few things to do, have a packed picnic (because the food there is SOOO expensive) and then watch the laser show! Sounds great right???? Wrong....
Well, sort of....
See I failed to factor in the fact that my boyfriend LOVES to sleep as much as I do! Seriously folks! I am becoming a little better in the morning but only because Chloe wakes me up! So we didn't get up till 11:30! (I had to go up and wake his behind up...) Well that is not true! I had to get up at 7:30 to work! (Long story, we wont reminisce on the bad week I had last week!) I got up, worked for an hour, got our picnic ready, and made the fatal mistake of laying back down in my bed! (All the while Shane is sleeping away in his bed upstairs! And by the way, Chloe was at Mom and Dad's for her weekend visitation!) So, we got a little later start, no big deal! We finally go there and decided that we would get the all day passes so we could ride up and ride down the mountain and do some other attractions. We spent 1 hr 45 min's in line for SkyHike. I REALLY wanted to try this. I had done a ropes course in middle school and thought I would be fine doing this! Did I mention that I am TERRIFIED of heights???? Seriously, I can't stand on a counter top with out getting a little weak in the knees! Anyways, we did the 12 ft course...and I was pretty proud of myself! Shane tried his best to get me to go higher and I just couldn't! Sorry honey! Maybe next time... We didn't get any pictures because you are not supposed to take any loose items up with you!

Then we decided to get a funnel cake! Can you say diabetic coma???? I had a few small bites with very little sugar on is Shane eating some of his....

Then we decided to ride the SkyLift up to the top of the mountain....this picture (below) was taken about half way up the ride...

Once on top, you have the most amazing views of the city and state! I could just sit up there for HOURS!!!!

And last but certainly not least, we capped off the day with the laser show! Such a southern tradition! I remember going every summer as a little girl! Some of the same things are still incorporated in the show now and I absolutely LOVE it! I could go and watch it every weekend and not get tired of it! (Ok, maybe not EVERY weekend!) But we are definitely planning to go back before the summer is over!
Here are some of the awesome pics I got of the laser show....


About Me

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I am a 28 year old who loves life. I've lived thru a lot of heartache but choose everyday to look on the bright side and praise God for all of the things He has given me! I am living on my own and enjoying the experience of being a homeowner! And I cannot forget the 2 pups who keep me quite entertained, Hershey the Cocker Spaniel and Chloe the Shih Tzu.
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Don't let her sweet face fool you!


All boy and loves the ladies!


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream