Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chloe talks....

Yes folks, Chloe talks! OK, so she doesn't say words but she does growl, bark, and fuss at me! If she is not getting her way, wants me to do something, or she thinks that I am not paying attention to her she talks!

This is a little video that I took this morning...

This is not the only crazy thing she does....she has a pacifier! Seriously!!! When we first got her our groomer told us to try giving her a paci. She was gnawing and sucking our fingers so much because she was looking for her mother. (Her mothers milk dried up and we got her at 3 weeks old.) She plays with it now and I will occasionally catch her running thru the house with it in her mouth but am never fast enough to get a picture. Yesterday she was napping while I was working and this was the picture I got....

These are just a couple of the weird things my dog does! Brandy, our groomer, says that it is because she thinks she is a person and not a dog because we got her at such an early age. Oh I am sure the Dog Whisperer would have a time with this one! But I love her just the way she is!


About Me

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I am a 28 year old who loves life. I've lived thru a lot of heartache but choose everyday to look on the bright side and praise God for all of the things He has given me! I am living on my own and enjoying the experience of being a homeowner! And I cannot forget the 2 pups who keep me quite entertained, Hershey the Cocker Spaniel and Chloe the Shih Tzu.
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Don't let her sweet face fool you!


All boy and loves the ladies!


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream