Monday, September 28, 2009

Change of Title and Football Madness!

I have changed my title once again. I cannot seem to find one I like. I am also not as creative in the department of catchy blog titles as I am in other area's of my life! So, I have gone to "The Bird and the Bee." The Bird is Chloe....Chloe Bird.....and the Bee is me. Melissa means "honey bee." I am not sure how long this will stick. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to send them my way!

This past weekend was a whirlwind! Mom and I left Friday and headed to Lafayette, GA to visit my cousin's. (Her nephew and his family.) I LOVE all of my family and cannot say that I have a favorite, but Greg is like a big brother. We fight, we laugh, we talk. He is awesome! (But please don't tell him I said this!) When I need advice, other than my parents, he is the one I go to! Anyways, the original plan was that Friday we would go to the Lafayette High vs. Cartersville High game to see one of my younger cousin's play, then Saturday get up and head to Jefferson City to see Landon's (Greg's 2nd son) game. (We are going to see Madison, son #1, in a few weeks.)
This is a yearly tradition that Mom and I do, and I look forward to it every year! Unfortunately plans were changed a little. Because of all the rain last week the Friday night game was moved to Saturday. So, bright and early Saturday Greg awoke, got Preston and Brennan (his 2 youngest) up and they went and ran the Duck Race 5k. Petey won!!! He ran the race in 18:18 and won the whole she-bang! Mom, Camie, and I were back at the house getting ready. Once they got to the house around 9:30 am and showered, we loaded up and headed to Jefferson City. Just outside of Knoxville the bottom dropped out and it started raining and never let up! We made a quick pit stop at a BBQ joint for lunch and ate in the car in the parking lot of the stadium.

This was the view from the car of the stadium...

I sat thru the 1st half of the game and went back to the car for a nap during the 2nd half. I was SOAKED and FREEZING and that is NOT a good combo for me! Greg and Preston went into the athletic building and stayed dry. Mom and Camie sat thru the whole game in the pouring rain! They definitely had their big girl panties on! Carson Newman did win!

Here is the best shot I got of Landon (#86)....

After the game we all headed back to Lafayette for the high school game! We got to the house around 6:30, changed into dry clothes, and piled back in the car to go to the game! Cartersville beat Lafayette!!! Woo - hoo! AND, Devin played his first Varsity game! We were all sooo excited!

Here he is going after one of those Ramblers! (#88)

After a FULL day of car riding and football we were very tired and hungry! By the way, the ONLY thing open at 11pm in Lafayette is the Krystal which is where we had dinner that night!

On Sunday Mom and I headed home. I am still tired! I don't think I dried out until late last night! Hopefully Madison's game will be a little more dry!

Oh, and can I just how EXCITED I am that October is just DAYS away!!!! AHHH!!! I think this is my favorite time of year! Corn Maze's, the Cumming Fair, Hayrides, Pumpkins, Bon Fires, UGA Football, and Halloween! Then, Christmas is just around the corner! I am just a big kid at heart!!!


About Me

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I am a 28 year old who loves life. I've lived thru a lot of heartache but choose everyday to look on the bright side and praise God for all of the things He has given me! I am living on my own and enjoying the experience of being a homeowner! And I cannot forget the 2 pups who keep me quite entertained, Hershey the Cocker Spaniel and Chloe the Shih Tzu.
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Don't let her sweet face fool you!


All boy and loves the ladies!


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream