Saturday, May 9, 2009

Yard Sale

So, buying a house means you have to put things in a house, right? Which means furniture? Well, I don't have any. OK, I have a little. I mean very little. Like, all I have is a couch, a TV, my bed, and dresser. That's IT! So I need LOTS of stuff. does one obtain lots of stuff when a) you don't have the money...because you just bought a house and b) you cant put stuff on credit because they are doing all the fun financing things right now? YARD SALES!!!!

I had to work last Saturday so Dad went out for me. He found a few pots and a couple of dishes. So, this morning we hit all the big community yard sales here in Cumming. SCORE! Our first house we went to I found a dinning room table and 6 chairs for $150.00!!!! YAY!! I don't have a picture of that yet...

The next house I found some cake pans and cookie racks and a outdoor bistro set. It has an umbrella with it much you ask...$5.00!

Next stop a basement sale...I didn't want to stop but Dad said why not you just never know. And, boy was he right! I found a foot stool, a Singer sewing machine, and some tins. How much? $16.00!!!!

My tins that I picked up are on the foot stool. My parents have the saltine cracker tin and we do keep saltine crackers in that tin. Since I am moving out I was wanting one but knew I would never find one...I mean who really keeps those things around now anyways. But luckily I did, and a Ritz cracker tin, and the smallest one is a Maxwell House French Roast Coffee tin. I have decided that I am going to sit them on my counter top and use them as canisters! Now, I cracked the lady who sold me the foot stool up, she was telling my how the paint is chipped but that I could just peel it off and repaint it...UM NO! That's what gives it character I say...she just gave me the funniest look!
On top of that I went to Stein Mart and Belk last night with Mom and scored some really cute things for super cheap!!!
I love yard sales!!!!


About Me

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I am a 28 year old who loves life. I've lived thru a lot of heartache but choose everyday to look on the bright side and praise God for all of the things He has given me! I am living on my own and enjoying the experience of being a homeowner! And I cannot forget the 2 pups who keep me quite entertained, Hershey the Cocker Spaniel and Chloe the Shih Tzu.
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Don't let her sweet face fool you!


All boy and loves the ladies!


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream