Saturday, June 6, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Its been some time since I did an update so I thought I would go over the whole she-bang...

- Jackie and Caleb got married last Saturday! Yay! They are such a cute couple! Here is our traditional girls group picture minus Katie...who was home sick with her new baby Elijah!

- Work is still crazy and it has been a really bad week. I wont go into details but lets just say the days of Melissa working 10-12 hour days are OVER! And then today I found out that there was a HUGE layoff yesterday. Luckily I was not effected and neither was my cousin. I think it was mostly management that was laid off...we seem to have A LOT of managers around our buildings. I heard that 5000 were laid off around the country. Scary times of the economy.
- My house is still in waiting...I am supposed to close on Wednesday June 10th. After going back and forth with the selling bank, threatening to terminate the contract, and just being completely over it all, the bank decided they would actually follow their own contract and do the lender required repairs. My french doors were put in on Thursday along with the hand rail on the back porch and the roof repairs. Friday the contractor was able to finish up fixing the sink, the siding, and the electrical sockets in the kitchen. The appraiser is supposed to go out Monday and sign off on everything. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

- My Uncle Grady is not doing well at all. I asked for prayers a couple of weeks ago and we need them now more than ever. He is on life support. He is not able to breathe on his own and his kidneys have shut down. He has been on dialysis everyday this week and they have pulled 6 liters of fluid off so far and were hoping to pull another 5 off with todays session. As long as his blood pressure holds up he will have it again tomorrow. He has a really bad infection in his leg which they had to cut and drain yesterday. He had a test this morning on his stomach and that seems to be doing better. (Yay!) I was really nervous to go and see him. I do not do good with emotions and new I would have to hold it together while in the room, but I did fine. When we were in there he would ocassionally open his eyes if you aggitated him enough. He understood when his daughter told him that we were there and he moved and held is hand out a little. When I reached over to grab it his thumb slightly gripped my hand. (Yay!!! We will take anything at this point!) He opened his eyes a few more times after that. But the good news is, is that his heart is good! Please just pray for his recovery, he can still pull out of this, it is just going to be a very LONG road. Also, please pray for my Aunt and our family.
- Since we were in Rome we went to the Dwarf House for lunch. YAY!!!! I LOVE the Dwarf House. I worked at the one in Jonesboro when I was in high school and miss it terribly. It is VERY different than the Chick-fil-A's every one is aquainted with. I had to get my favorites while I was there...Salad with Truett's House dressing...YUM!! A Hot Brown, and a peach pie ala mode! Oh my mouth is still watering!!! Seriously people you are missing out if you have never been to a Dwarf House.


About Me

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I am a 28 year old who loves life. I've lived thru a lot of heartache but choose everyday to look on the bright side and praise God for all of the things He has given me! I am living on my own and enjoying the experience of being a homeowner! And I cannot forget the 2 pups who keep me quite entertained, Hershey the Cocker Spaniel and Chloe the Shih Tzu.
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Don't let her sweet face fool you!


All boy and loves the ladies!


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream